US Disability and Endocrine Disorders

The U.S. Social Security Administration has just published a set of rules for evaluating endocrine disorders for the purposes of declaring a patient "disabled" and therefore eligible for federal disability payments. It is an elaboration on rules put forth in 2011 that removed endocrine disorders from the list of automatically disabling conditions. The SSA says that advances in treatment have made it possible to continue working while battling endocrine disorders. It therefore declared that adults with a diagnosed endocrine disorder are not automatically eligible to be listed as disabled. Rather, the effects must be determined to be "severe" and they must adversely affect other body systems. The ruling will be published in the Federal Register. You can read the document here.

Pituitary tumor size not definitive for Cushing's

By Sherry Boschert, Family Practice News Digital Network

SAN FRANCISCO – The size of a pituitary tumor on magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome can't differentiate between etiologies, but combining that information with biochemical test results could help avoid costly and difficult inferior petrosal sinus sampling in some patients, a study of 131 cases suggests.

If MRI shows a pituitary tumor larger than 6 mm in size, the finding is 40% sensitive and 96% specific for a diagnosis of Cushing's disease as the cause of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent Cushing's syndrome, and additional information from biochemical testing may help further differentiate this from ectopic ACTH secretion, Dr. Divya Yogi-Morren and her associates reported at the Endocrine Society's Annual Meeting.

Webinar: Turning Pain Into Passion

SharmynPresented by: Sharmyn McGraw

September 16, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

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Register now. Space is limited.

Turning Pain Into Passion is designed to help guide you to discover inside of yourself passion for living your life far beyond your own expectations. Sharmyn has graciously provided a workbook as a supplement to the webinar. Click on the title to download - Turning Pain Into Passion Workbook

Moment By Moment

By Sharmyn McGraw

Great News - The search is over: I have found my life's purpose and it was right here all along...after years and years of praying and seeking and wanting to figure out "what's my purpose" I have finally figured out there was nothing to figure out. My life's purpose is now!

I finally get it...My life's purpose is not in the future. It's not a path that I have to pray for or meditate about; it's not the path in my dreams that overwhelms me with feelings and frustrations because it's unobtainable. My life's purpose is not the terrible path that I envision, one that makes me feel sad and depressed because it's a path filled with insurmountable obstacles, so I can finally be happy doing something I love.

Sleep and Longevity

The Journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience released a study that links long life to better sleep and lower levels of fat in the blood. To read more click here.

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