The PNA's Continuing Efforts to Educate and Inform

The Pituitary Network Association is always working to provide educational materials to pituitary patients, their families and the health care providers that treat them. We are working on several ways to promote awareness and highlight the need for more extensive pituitary education in medical schools.

As part of our ongoing efforts, we are creating a series of Continuing Education (CE) courses for nurses so they can learn the signs and symptoms of pituitary disorders. This will help reduce the average amount of time it takes for patients to get an accurate diagnosis. Stay tuned for more information on this program in the coming weeks.

Another way that we are trying to facilitate early diagnosis is by petitioning the medical associations to take action. You can help us help you - by signing our petitions. It only takes a few moments; click on the links below and sign these petitions. Send the links and this month's newsletter to your friends and ask them to support the PNA's efforts.

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